🔥 BotMaster #1 Bulk Whatsapp Sender Tools
BotMaster Is easiest and fastest way to send thousands of messages via WhatsApp . secrets hidden by expert marketers
Reach potential buyers more easily by automating your WhatsApp Marketing and start converting every visitor into your loyal buyer.

- Always Latest Version
- Bulk Messages: Text, Image, Doc, Catalog Message
- Auto reply Chatbot: Text, Image , Doc,
- Bulk Filtering Number
- Bulk WA Number Generator
- Bulk Group Grabber
- 100% Customer Support
- 7 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
26 Best Feature Of BotMaster Whatsapp Marketing
Save Time, Money & Power! We have completed all your WhatsApp marketing conversion needs and are ready to use
- Latest Build - Support Updates
- Support Whatsapp BETA / Multidevice
- Filter Number (Active/Not Active)
- Number Generator (Scraper)
- Auto Reply ChatBot
- Schedule Messages
- Whatsapp Group Grabber
- Advanced Reporting
- Import & Export Whatsapp Number
- Import Contact From File (csv,txt,xlsx)
- Attach Photo & Files
- Catalog Messages
- Safe Mode & Blind Mode Sending
- Attach Video MP4
- Delay Sending Setting
- Mode Sleeping Setting
- Connection Speed
- Insert Spintex Messages
- Insert Multi Variables
- Insert Random Tag
- Auto Insert Name
- Import Template Message
Limited! Save 50% OFF For Fast 100 People!
⚠️ Exclusive Offer Will End After:
Limited Discount! Only 100 PEOPLE available.
One Time Payment | No Monthly Fees | Use Forever
BotMaster Whatsapp Software
Is a Quick Solution to Increase Sales With Better Results.
Whatsapp Helps You Reach 2.4 Billion Potential Buyers Globally

You can sell any product or service directly to customers.

Whatsapp is the most preferred communication platform for the world today. People prefer Whatsapp, so they use Whatsapp messages more than other messengers. More than email and more than SMS.
When you reach out to your customers using Whatsapp, you know that your messages are delivered instantly & Go through perfectly. You know that you are reaching your customers with maximum results
AutoSales is the only application that gives you the ability to market using Whatsapp effectively & Provide everything you need without having to Prepare everything from ZERO
So if you are a small business or solopreneur, this is something amazing that you should use to increase sales of your products/services.

You Can Reach Customers With Nearly 100% Effectiveness - With maximum results

Whatsapp can give you access to customers in a faster way. Promote any product or service you want.
If you sell consumer products such as Muslim clothing, T-shirts, mugs, equipment, handicraft items, souvenirs and even food products. WhatsApp can be relied on and you can sell whatever you want.
It can also be used to promote any kind of service including digital Products, healthcare, home help, marketing, website designing, SEO or whatever you want.
You can sell items with any ticket size, from Tens of Thousands to several MILLIONS of Rupiah, Send Direct product LINK / product checkout directly within Whatsapp, or direct Traffic to any site you want.

You can steal their attention with whatever MEDIA you want using Whatsapp

Unlike SMS and email, WhatsApp marketing can do it better. and you can greet and steal customers’ attention with whatever media you want
You are free to seduce your prospective buyers with whatever you want to turn prospective buyers into loyal customers & increase sales of your products or services
✅ Whatsapp Marketing Is an Instant Solution

For you to improve anything in your business, including:
- Increase sales even better
- Get more leads than ever
- Get more targeted leads
- Increasing product BRAND Awareness
It’s not limited to anything, it doesn’t take long, it doesn’t need to be complicated
The question is now,
...Is it possible that I can do this right now?
...Is it possible that this can give real results for me?
...I am a beginner, newbie, don't know anything, don't know about WA marketing,
Is it still possible to do this?
The answer is,,, YES!
Now everything is possible & You can do it right now
Anyone can use WhatsApp as marketing, like if you:


Broker Real Estate

Graphic designer

Insurance Marketing

Product Marketer

SEO Agency

Trainer & Coach

Food vendors


Clothing & Apparel

Developer Marketer


Restoran & Bar


Website Agency

Offline Sales Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

If you work in one or similar to the above professions & you still don’t use WhatsApp automation. then this means you are giving your competitors a chance to come in and build a better relationship with your customers before you do.
WhatsApp Marketing is the best way for you to connect with your customers and turn leads into customers
So if you want to build a direct relationship with your customers and make them buy again and again, then Whatsapp is the BEST automation system that you must have.
Introducing ..

🔥 #1 Best Whatsapp Marketing Software

26 Best Feature Of BotMaster Whatsapp Marketing
Save Time, Money & Power! We have completed all your WhatsApp marketing conversion needs and are ready to use
- Latest Build - Support Updates
- Support Whatsapp BETA / Multidevice
- Filter Number (Active/Not Active)
- Number Generator (Scraper)
- Auto Reply ChatBot
- Schedule Messages
- Whatsapp Group Grabber
- Advanced Reporting
- Import & Export Whatsapp Number
- Import Contact From File (csv,txt,xlsx)
- Attach Photo & Files
- Catalog Messages
- Safe Mode & Blind Mode Sending
- Attach Video MP4
- Delay Sending Setting
- Mode Sleeping Setting
- Connection Speed
- Insert Spintex Messages
- Insert Multi Variables
- Insert Random Tag
- Auto Insert Name
- Import Template Message
Limited! Save 50% OFF For Fast 100 People!
⚠️ Exclusive Offer Will End After:
Limited Discount! Only 100 PEOPLE available.
One Time Payment | No Monthly Fees | Use Forever
With BotMaster
BotMaster Can Increase Your Business Quickly Just Using Whatsapp
Modern UI
BotMaster mediaplus have An elegant modern user frendly UI.
multi profile
You can open Botmaster Mediaplus many times with different accounts.
sending mode
blind/Safe mode make your campaign safe and unannoying.
Advanced Bot
Advanced auto reply and auto reply rules bot supporting
group grabber
BotMaster can Grab more destination from the groups where you participate.
generate number
botmaster can generate thousands of numbers quickly
scheduled send
Botmaster can Schedule your campain to be sent anytime you want.
filter number
BotMaster mediaplus can Filter your destination in a fast and accurate way.
advanced setting
Advanced settings give users more control during sending campaigns.
advanced reporting
Advanced reporting system to all your sent campaigns with statistics.
interactive catalog
BotMaster can Filter your destination in a fast and accurate way.
Send Custom messages to your clients with their names.
Your purchase is 100% risk free

7 Day money back guarantee
This offer is fully backed by the money back guarantee that we provide.
If you feel that what you got is not in accordance with what we have informed you about and you want to make a refund on this very low cost investment. send us your message. and we will process it instantly!
We want to state clearly that we DO NOT offer a “no questions asked” & “no settlement” money back guarantee. You have to provide the real reason while contacting our support, and we will refund your hard-earned money.
fast checkout,instant download!
🔥 1 year subscription 🔥
⭐ user edition ⭐

- user edition/version
- genuine software
- one time payment
- 1 year access
- BotMaster mediaplus
- Single pc or laptop
- Access All feature
- free updates during subscription
- full support
🌟 reseller edition 🌟

- one time payment
- 1 year access
- create unlimited license
- re-sell unlimited license
- free updates during subscription
- full support
💫 owner edition 💫

- owner EDITION
- one time payment
- 1 year access
- owner PANEL
- create unlimited reseller
- create unlimited license
- free updates during subscription
- full support
💰 one-time payment! 💰
⭐ user lifetime ⭐

- user edition/version
- one time payment
- lifetime access
- BotMaster mediaplus
- Single pc or laptop
- Access All feature
- free update lifetime
- full support
🌟 reseller lifetime 🌟

- lifetime access
- create unlimited license
- re-sell unlimited license
- free update lifetime
- full support
💫 owner lifetime 💫

- owner EDITION
- lifetime access
- owner PANEL
- sell to unlimited reseller
- create unlimited license
- free update lifetime
- full support
💲 whitelabel package 💲
include in whitelabel plan
- license panel website
- software in your brand
- FREE private support via remote
- FREE subdomain panel (whitelabel admin)
🏅 whitelabel resell 🏅

- your brand in software
- one time payment
- lifetime Accessed
- access reseller panel
- resell unlimited license
- Access All feature
- full support
🎖️ whitelabel owner 🎖️

- all on whitelabel reseller
- one time payment
- resell unlimited reseller
- resell unlimited license
- Access All feature
- full support
👑 whitelabel admin 👑

- all on whitelabel
- one time payment
- ACCESS admin PANEL (subdomain)
- resell unlimited owner
- resell unlimited reseller
- Access All feature
- full support
✅ So take action now before this promo ends
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frequently asked questions (fAQ)
What Is BotMaster?
BotMaster Is Windows PC desktop-based software that can be used to send WhatsApp messages in bulk. This application is easy to use, equipped with a variety of very powerful features for unlimited WhatsApp Marketing needs.
What are the PC requirements to use it??
This tool will run on PCs with Windows 8 OS and above, recommend to use Windows 10 64bit and requires NET FRAMEWORK Version 4.6.1 and above which can be downloaded for free on the official Microsoft website, as well as Google Chrome. For more massive and intensive use, higher PC specifications may be required.
Can it be used on a smartphone or Mac OS?
No. This is not a mobile-app so it cannot be used on smartphones. also cannot be used on devices running other than Windows OS, such as Apple (Mac OS) and others.
Can I resell this product?
Yes, if you join a reseller of botmaster. you can sell unlimited licenses to your clients. Feel free to contact us to get more informations about reseller package.
What is the licensing system and is it possible to switch PCs?
You will get 1 license that can be used on 1 PC for every purchase. If you need more than 1 license, you can re-purchase without limitation. Every user has the right to switch PCs and or request a license when needed (eg reinstall or have a new computer), as long as it is permanent.
Is it safe to use?
Botmaster is equipped with anti-block and anti-banned modules which are quite complete so that they can be used safely. However, we advise you not to use a private WhatsApp number and use a number that is ready to risk being banned from WhatsApp, if you intend to send messages to foreign numbers or people who do not expect to receive messages from you, unless it is a list of consumers / subscribers with whom you have previously interacted. However, sending bulk messages to foreign numbers is not an activity that WhatsApp fully permits. All risks that arise during use are the responsibility of each user.
Will I get free lifetime updates?
Yes, you will get Automatically lifetime free updates for system updates (API update) for all packages. Free updates forever also apply to user edition packages. if there is a software update such as code changes, layout changes, menu additions and/or updates that change the appearance in part or in whole. then you will be charged a small additional fee of $10 up to a maximum of $50 for each update (depending on conditions). Additional fees apply to reseller package and also to all whitelabel packages.
Can I request a refund?
Yes, you can request a refund within 7 days. if our software doesn't work well and we can't provide a solution to you. After 7 days, you cannot request a refund. But don't worry, we will provide the best solution for you if there are problems in the future
make your business promotion easy with botMaster!

Disclaimer: BOTMASTER is not affiliated with or part of WhatsApp™ or Facebook Inc. BOTMASTER is an independent tool to make your job easier and also make easy money for you.
Term Of Condition: Botmaster uses Wapi Open Source, if there is a WhatsApp Update it can cause the Botmaster or Botmaster features to not work. Wait and keep trying because our BotMaster Developer will be solved it.
© BotMaster All Rights Reserved. BotMaster Reseller Panel | BotMaster Master Panel (Owner) | BotMaster Admin Panel | Your Brand In BotMaster Software